Comment: Moose and Josie climbing up to a pool at bridalveil falls, have you seen a happier face in your life??
Caption: Moose and Josie on an adventure to Bridalveil Falls, the sheer joy on Josie's face says it all!
Description: A person hiking up a rocky terrain with a backpacking gear, accompanied by a dog. They appear to be maneuvering over large boulders amidst a lush green environment with tall trees and a mountainous backdrop. The dog, named Josie, is looking up towards the camera with an expression that could be interpreted as contentment and excitement. They are on their way to a pool at Bridalveil Falls.90.42% similar
86.56% similar
86.19% similar
86.06% similar
85.43% similar
85.40% similar
85.26% similar